Thank you for being interested in the Far End Universe.

Sadly, I'm no longer really happy with the universe as it is at this moment.
I guess it was inevitable that I would grow out of it eventually, considering the foundations of the universe were built up by a 15-year old.

I felt like I've reached my creative end with it a long time ago, and I couldn't really figure out how to fix its issues anymore without completely restarting from scratch.

So, that's what I'm doing.

I will keep this section of the website in-tact as I'm still pretty proud of how everything looks, but once I've finished rebuilding the universe and have something I'm happy with sharing, a lot of the lore and characters might be completely changed, some possibly even ceasing to exist.

I hope you'll still be interested in what I have in store in the future!

(Click to continue to the world hub.)